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Home / Blog / How To Post Project On Quickenlancer

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20 May 2023

How to Post Project on Quickenlancer

                          Quickenlancer is a popular freelancing platform that connects clients with skilled professionals across various industries. If you're looking to post a project on Quickenlancer, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process, ensuring that you create a detailed and compelling project listing that attracts the right freelancers.

Go to the Quickenlancer Website and Access the "Post Project" Option

                                Visit the Quickenlancer website and log in to your account. Once you're logged in, locate the "Post Project" option on the main dashboard or navigation menu. Click on it to begin creating your project listing.

Give a Detailed Project Name

                               Choose a clear and concise project name that accurately reflects the nature of your project. A well-crafted project name can help freelancers understand what the project entails and pique their interest.

Describe Your Project

                                Provide a comprehensive project description that outlines the scope, objectives, and deliverables of your project. Be as detailed as possible to give Freelancers a clear understanding of what is expected. Include any specific requirements, deadlines, and desired outcomes. A well-written project description helps freelancers determine if they have the necessary skills and experience to undertake your project.

Choose Skills

                                 Select the main skills required for your project from the provided categories on Quickenlancer. This helps to categorize your project and ensure that it reaches freelancers with the relevant expertise. Choose skills that accurately represent the tasks and responsibilities associated with your project.

Choose Other Skills (Manually)

                                  If the main skill categories do not fully capture the requirements of your project, you have the option to manually add additional skills. This ensures that freelancers with specialized skills related to your project can easily find and bid on it.

Upload Project Documents

                                   If you have any project-related documents, such as design briefs, project specifications, or reference materials, upload them to provide freelancers with additional context and guidance. This can enhance their understanding of the project requirements and enable them to submit more accurate proposals.

How Do You Want to Pay - Hourly Rate or Fixed Rate

                                    Specify whether you prefer to pay freelancers based on an hourly rate or a fixed rate for the entire project. This helps freelancers understand your payment preferences and submit proposals accordingly. Consider the nature of your project and budget when making this decision.

Currency - USD or INR

                                      Choose the currency in which you prefer to pay freelancers for your project. Quickenlancer offers options for both USD and INR, allowing you to select the currency that aligns with your project requirements.

Enter Your Project Budget

                                      Provide an estimated budget for your project. This helps Freelancers assess the financial viability of the project and submit proposals that align with their budgetary expectations. It's important to set a realistic budget that reflects the complexity and scope of the project.

Add Your Basic Information

                                       Enter your basic information, including your designation and country. Additionally, provide a brief description of yourself and your organization. This helps freelancers gain insights into who you are and establishes credibility and trust.


                                     Posting a project on Quickenlancer is a straightforward process that requires attention to detail and clear communication. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can create a comprehensive project listing that attracts skilled freelancers who are capable of delivering exceptional results. Remember to provide accurate and detailed information to ensure that freelancers have a clear understanding of your project requirements Post Project Now.